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Three things liquor brands MUST know about their shoppers

Three things liquor brands MUST know about their shoppers

Shoppers are the lifeblood of every liquor business. From the smallest single store operator to the biggest national chain, if you don’t put them at the heart of your decision-making, chances are they won’t have you in mind when they go to buy liquor. Overall, liquor...

Three steps to win the New Zealand grocery shopper

Three steps to win the New Zealand grocery shopper

Why are online, oils and other bricks and mortar channels threatening New Zealand grocery? And what can you do about it? To answer these questions here’s some background… Basket and panel data tell us grocery shopping is changing at pace. We now shop more frequently,...

The new normal: Using grocery shoppers’ mindsets to drive margin

The new normal: Using grocery shoppers’ mindsets to drive margin

Australians are increasingly shopping ‘for now’ and for specific occasions, creating the opportunity to take the narrative away from price, towards qualities that encourage trade up. How did you or your parents shop a decade ago? Once every week on a Saturday, same...

The Rise of The Breakfast Occasion

The Rise of The Breakfast Occasion

Everyone leads busy lives. Once you factor in the demands of work, family, friends, sports or hobbies, sometimes it can feel like you don’t have enough time in the day. Shopping habits mirror this societal trend, with more and more shopping trips becoming occasion and...

Mindset Matters

Mindset Matters

Simon Ford speaks at the Australian Food and Grocery Council conference 2019 Key takeouts: - Mindset matters: shopping for occasion (66%) and for today (41%) is large and increasing presenting an opportunity to drive margin. Shoppers in this mindset are less focused...

The Revolution in Shopper Insights

The Revolution in Shopper Insights

Understanding How shoppers’ shop and Why they make the decisions they do is becoming more important to retailers and suppliers alike as shoppers demand more than just the basics in store. Nothing beats looking through their eyes and being with them at the shelf in the...

Welcome to Shopper Intelligence

Welcome to Shopper Intelligence

We are delighted to announce some very exciting innovation, international growth and increasing expertise, all culminating in a new name for our business: Shopper Intelligence. So what does this mean for our business? Innovation: Our commitment to innovation now...

Adding value to your category

Adding value to your category

Shoppers have more power than ever before, with multiple options on where and how they shop and retailers and suppliers need to work harder to attract them. Getting shoppers off the sofa and into stores to make a purchase is becoming more challenging. Price is less of...